

发布日期:2025-01-04 14:30    点击次数:75
上海杨浦「中海海上和集」售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】内环高架+5轨交+5隧道+北横通道北外滩+杨浦滨江双重规划利好千万总价现象级红盘「中海海上和集」三期少量房源在售!99平,1200多万179平,2200-2400万上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】中海·海上和集,占位于杨浦内环核心区域,向南望去是陆家嘴,望向西南是北外滩,三重区位优势叠加形成的重要性不言而喻!位置示意图 测距数据源于:百度地图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】陆家嘴,是上海国际金融中心建设的核心承载区,正着眼全球,加快建设国际一流金融城,始终谱写着上海耀眼的篇章,并将再次承载浦东新区规划推演向历史进程的高潮。而中海·海上和集去往陆家嘴,走大连路隧道或新建路隧道都可以快速到达,车程仅约5公里,这也是为何项目吸引了大量来自陆家嘴的精英客群。(规划与内容来源于浦东发布官方微信公众号)陆家嘴实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】浦江恒流,上海恒新。北外滩,是新晋的上海会客厅,作为上海三个世界级规划之一,将与外滩和陆家嘴错位联动,其总体规划格局为“一心两片”,规划建设总规模将达到840万㎡。(规划与内容来源于上海虹口官方微信公众号)北外滩实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】今年,北外滩共计重大工程项目22个、总投资超过800亿元,计划开工建设6个项目、竣工4个项目。480米新的“浦西第一高楼”上海北外滩中心进行着桩基施工,未来将与白玉兰广场、上海华贸中心等其他17栋180米以上的超高层建筑群,共同构筑起浦西新的天际线。北外滩高楼效果图、实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】图源:虹口北外滩官方微信公众号可以说,中海·海上和集能承接陆家嘴+北外滩红利的外溢,本身就超越了诸多同价位段的项目!更何况,项目地处的杨浦内环,滨江段正在大刀阔斧地进行着一场城市更新,拥有着惊人的发展速度!效果示意图首先需要明确的是,这里的定位非常高。要知道,从外滩、陆家嘴、到北外滩,激发上海奔腾不息的浪潮,始终在上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】浦江展开想象。外滩、陆家嘴、北外滩分别代表了上海滨江的1.0-3.0,作为中心城区最后一块大规模整体开发的滨江区域,也是作为45公里滨江沿岸唯一的滨江科创研发板块,杨浦滨江能够推动上海迈入“滨江4.0”的国际科创时代。(规划批复和科创定位来源于上海杨浦政府官网公示)上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】东外滩看陆家嘴三件套因此,看清未来的人不难想象:杨浦滨江将接力外滩、陆家嘴、徐汇滨江、北外滩等重磅滨江CAZ,潜力无限。上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】杨浦滨江实景图这里的体量有多大?黄浦江,全长113.4公里,杨浦滨江拥有15.5公里的滨江岸线,是上海中心城区中滨江岸线最长的一段,也是黄浦江两岸综合开发的重要组成部分,其沿江板块“一带两区”规划总建筑面积约796万方,规模2.6倍于前滩,5倍于陆家嘴!(以上规划内容来源于上海杨浦官方微信公众号)杨浦滨江实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】这里的科创有多牛?今年,上海举行了2023杨浦滨江全球推介大会,向世界呈现滨江南段重点地块和楼宇资源的诸多潜能,现场共有约132家企业负责人从全球奔赴而来,其中有17家企业当日完成签约。据悉,铁狮门、瑞安、吉宝置业、华为、中交地产、中节能、美团、哔哩哔哩、星空华文、橙狮体育、沃弟、阳狮、纬景、耐克、上海科创、戴德梁行、世界技能博物馆等,均要在杨浦滨江的发展版图中争得一席之地。当下的杨浦,一个“超级企业集聚区”正在孵化中。未来,杨浦滨江将以数字经济、总部经济、服务经济为核心驱动力,成为重大战略与重要使命的承载地、创新驱动高质量发展的核爆点、世界一流滨水岸线的新典范。(以上内容来源于上海杨浦官方微信公众号)现场实景图 图源:上海杨浦这里的速度有多快?上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】要知道,在2022年上海16区GDP数据中,杨浦可以用惊天逆袭来形容:GDP增速6.44%,跃升成为2022年的全市第一!(以上内容来源于杨浦区统计局)正在大兴土木的杨浦滨江实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】如今,像美团、Bilibili、字节跳动等一批在线新经济头部企业都落户于此,并在如火如荼地建设中。未来,不仅城市界面将迎来重磅提升,而且高规划起点+重磅产业的导入,势必将吸引更多的高精尖产业人才活跃涌入、安家,让杨浦未来的流动性与活力更加迸发!杨浦滨江实景图这里的生活有多醇熟?上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】轨交方面,项目周边1公里范围内坐拥4、8、10、12、18号线五条已开通的轨交线,前往瑞虹新城、四川北路商圈、北外滩等地无需换乘。位置示意图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】(上图经简化处理及不按比例,图中一切资料仅供参考)自驾方面,项目所在的区域坐拥一桥四隧道,前往陆家嘴非常便捷;且北横通道东段正在建设中,未来通车后来往静安、长宁、大虹桥同样便利。位置示意图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】(上图经简化处理及不按比例,图中一切资料仅供参考)商业方面,项目北侧约500米就是控江路商圈,有控江旭辉MALL、紫荆广场等成熟商业。西侧约700米则是创邑SPACE海上海。实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】项目向西约1.5公里,就是瑞虹新城。这里有太阳宫、月亮湾等约55万㎡的瑞虹天地商圈,还有和平公园等城市绿肺。实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】医疗方面,项目东侧约400米距离有三甲医院——新华医院,为居者的健康保驾护航。实景图02内环住宅供应愈发稀少千万级入住的机会更是寥寥无几上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】在上海,都心代表发展的核心方向。内环内仅占上海全域面积约1.8%,根据上海统计年鉴,其城市资源约是全市平均水平的十倍。因此,住进内环,是很多置业者梦寐以求的目标。上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】反观内环内的住宅土地,也愈发稀少。从新房市场上来看,近三年来内环新房总供应也仅占全市约6%。最新一批次——第九批新房供应名单中,内环内有且仅有一盘,那就是中海·海上和集。示意图往未来看机会也越来越少,在公开土拍市场上。上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】去年一整年,内环公开出让的宅地仅7宗,占整体不到6.6%。今年的土拍已落锤了两轮,并且预告了第三轮待拍的土地。在已知的61宗地块中,仅有3块是内环土地,占比不到5%,比去年更低。让更多想要上车内环的置业者很“头疼”的点,就是千万级买进内环的机会愈发减少了。根据摸排,今年约一千万至一千五百万左右的预算,在内环除了中海·海上和集外,仅有中兴城可能加推,此后,内环千万级新盘或面临一波断供。上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】除了公开土拍的供应本就稀缺之外,内环未来供应很大部分来自旧改地块,产品基本以超高层豪宅和风貌别墅为主,房地联动价也是“水涨船高”。杨浦、静安皆可见到21万/㎡,黄浦甚至能看到25万/㎡,动辄两千甚至以上的总价,令许多家庭望而却步。(以上数据来源于杨浦区、静安区、黄浦区官网历史风貌保护项目实施主体公开遴选文件)因此,当下选择中海·海上和集,就是抢占内环市场极为难得的上车机会!03一座综合社区带来超高品质力满足你未来的各类生活想象除了内环的重磅地段与稀少之外,中海·海上和集和市面其他新盘拉开差异化的主因还得是产品力,以及从客户角度用心揣摩后,沉淀的匠心品质。效果图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】一座家楼下的综合社区这是一个总建筑面积达17万㎡的“微缩城市”,融合了6幢高层住宅、东南角商业、北侧9幢独栋企业公馆,同时还有邻里中心、养老中心等“彩蛋功能区”,造就了多重生活场景的碰撞。该住区运用了“编织”的开发理念,该项目并不是将外墙高高砌起,而是主动退让红线,让外部的街道延伸到社区内,既能够消弭土地的区隔,又将更多空间归还给街道和行人。效果示意图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】用心的是,中海将未来的生活场景都提前展示出来了。在售楼处一楼,有个社区先行店,可以来杯咖啡或酒,度过你熟悉的“早C晚A”生活。(实景图 点击查看更多)“阳光平权”的坚持 匠心细节与礼遇中海·海上和集的地块非常方正,在市区旧改小地块居多的今天就非常难得。效果图项目在有限空间内争取更大的楼间距,住宅最大南北楼间距约50米,中央有大面积花园,每户居民都能享受更多阳光。上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】社区还设置了林下空间、全龄段架空层、宅间花园,走几步就有不同氛围的社交场所,处处都是人情味。效果图此外,项目甄选中海物业,其凭借30余年的积淀和全国各地高端住宅的服务经验,已然成为了物业模范,能时刻守护居住者的隐私和安全。效果图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】前期热销 收官房源高品质交付要知道,项目一期开盘热销,到二期更是2小时极速售罄,不仅是因为其外部景观的打造优秀,内部空间更是游刃有余,推陈出新。项目收官房源为建筑面积约99㎡3房,户型设计和装修部分处处充分考量了人居需求,带来了集功能性和舒适度于一体的居住空间。来看看它的户型图,三开间朝南、客餐厅联通阳台扩展社交空间、房间均带有飘窗、主卧套房设计,保障了户型的功能性与舒适度!上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】特殊的是,其厨房做了开放式设计,充分考虑了居住的舒适度和未来二手市场上的独特。水槽位置面向客厅,能够引入更多光线,增强互动!若在家中聚餐,水槽侧还能作为“小岛台”使用,餐桌上摆不下的,可以放在岛台上,无需跑进跑出。样板间实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】此外,两个朝南的卧室面宽均等,兼顾舒适度和尺度感,无论是孩子还是老人,都能够各得其所。样板间实景图其他空间的样板间实景图如下在新房限限限的时代,很多项目降标、减配,中海·海上和集不仅甄选高端品牌,还贴心地为生活考虑到了诸多“魔鬼”细节,能让你在配置完软装之后就能“拎包入住”,实属难得!以三大件而言,全屋配备东芝空调和地暖,以及百朗的新风,高品质生活从日常开始;全屋几乎都是壁纸交付,这样的品质足够说明一切。实景图厨房空间中,烟机灶具、洗碗机均是配置的博世(或同等品牌),燃气灶上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】背后,甚至加上了不锈钢金属抗污面板,便于日常清洁;预留双开门冰箱位,冰箱插座“内凹”设计,更符合人性化需求。样板间实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】卫浴空间同样精彩,采用了汉斯格雅龙头、花洒(主卫)、百朗暖风机、摩恩龙头等高端品牌,像隐形地漏、镜柜内置插座等细节都考量到位!样板间实景图上海杨浦中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【预约热线】此外,中海·海上和集充分利用好了室内空间,如在入户玄关、厨房空间、各类转角处都预留了大量收纳空间,让令人头疼的收纳问题迎刃而解。上海杨浦「中海海上和集」售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。中海海上和集售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Shanghai Yangpu "Zhonghai Haihaiheji"Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 [reservation hotline] (one-on-one enthusiastic service)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Collection Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] Inner Ring Elevated+5 Rail Transit+5 Tunnel+North Cross Passage North Bund+Yangpu Binjiang Dual Planning Beneficial for Ten Million Total Price Phenomenon Red Plate "Zhonghai Offshore and Collection" Phase III Small Quantity Housing for Sale! 99 square meters, over 12 million, 179 square meters, 22-24 millionShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Collection Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] Zhonghai Offshore and Collection, located in the core area of Yangpu Inner Ring, looks south to Lujiazui and southwest to the North Bund. The importance of the combination of the three geographical advantages is self-evident!The location diagram and distance measurement data are sourced from Baidu MapsShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Office Telephone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] Lujiazui is the core carrying area of Shanghai's international financial center construction, focusing on the world and accelerating the construction of an international first-class financial city. It has always written a brilliant chapter in Shanghai and will once again carry the climax of the historical process of Pudong New Area planning.And Zhonghai · Haiwai and Jigo can be quickly reached to Lujiazui by taking the Dalian Road Tunnel or the newly built Road Tunnel, with a drive distance of only about 5 kilometers. This is also why the project has attracted a large number of elite customers from Lujiazui. (The planning and content come from the official WeChat official account issued by Pudong)Realistic view of LujiazuiShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Office Telephone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] Pujiang Hengliu, Shanghai Hengxin. The North Bund is a newly established reception hall in Shanghai. As one of the three world-class plans in Shanghai, it will be linked with the Bund and Lujiazui in a staggered manner. Its overall planning pattern is "one heart, two areas", and the total planned construction scale will reach 8.4 million square meters. (The planning and content are from the official WeChat official account of Shanghai Hongkou)Realistic view of the North BundShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] This year, there are a total of 22 major engineering projects in the North Bund, with a total investment of over 80 billion yuan. The plan is to start construction of 6 projects and complete 4 projects. The 480 meter new "tallest building in Puxi", the Shanghai North Bund Center, is undergoing pile foundation construction. In the future, it will work together with 17 other super high-rise buildings over 180 meters, such as Baiyulan Square and Shanghai Huamao Center, to build a new skyline in Puxi.North Bund high-rise building renderings and real-life scenesShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Haihaiheji Sales Office Tel: 400-886-2334 [Reservation hotline] Source: official WeChat official account of Hongkou North BundIt can be said that CNOOC, Haiwai, and Jineng have taken on the spillover of the dividends from Lujiazui and North Bund, surpassing many projects in the same price range! Moreover, the project is located in the inner ring of Yangpu, and the Binjiang section is undergoing a major urban renewal with astonishing development speed!Effect diagramFirstly, it should be clarified that the positioning here is very high.You should know that from the Bund, Lujiazui, to the North Bund, it stimulates the continuous wave of Shanghai's surging waves, always imagining in Pujiang, Yangpu, Shanghai, at the Zhonghai Sea and the sales office hotline: 400-886-2334.The Bund, Lujiazui, and North Bund respectively represent the 1.0-3.0 of Shanghai's Binjiang area. As the last large-scale integrated development of the Binjiang area in the central urban area and the only Binjiang scientific and technological innovation research and development area along the 45 kilometer Binjiang coast, Yangpu Binjiang can promote Shanghai to enter the international scientific and technological innovation era of "Binjiang 4.0". (Planning approval and scientific and technological innovation positioning are sourced from the official website of the Yangpu government in Shanghai)Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] East Bund View Lujiazui Three Piece Set. Therefore, those who see the future are not difficult to imagine: Yangpu Binjiang will relay heavyweight waterfront CAZ such as the Bund, Lujiazui, Xuhui Binjiang, and North Bund, with unlimited potential.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] Yangpu Riverside Scene MapHow large is the volume here? The Huangpu River, with a total length of 113.4 km, has a 15.5 km riverside coastline, which is the longest section of the riverside coastline in the central urban area of Shanghai center and an important part of the comprehensive development on both sides of the Huangpu River. The planned total construction area of the "One Belt, Two Zones" along the river is about 7.96 million square meters, 2.6 times the scale of the foreshore, and 5 times the scale of Lujiazui! (The above planning content comes from the official WeChat official account of Shanghai Yangpu)Yangpu Riverside Realistic MapShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] How good are the science and technology innovation here?This year, Shanghai held the 2023 Yangpu Binjiang Global Promotion Conference, showcasing the potential of key land and building resources in the southern section of the Binjiang River to the world. Approximately 132 corporate leaders rushed from around the world, with 17 companies completing contracts on the same day.It is reported that Tieshimen, Ruian, Keppel Real Estate, Huawei, CCCC Real Estate, CECEP, Meituan, Bilibili, Starry Chinese, Orange Lion Sports, Wodi, Yangshi, Weijing, Nike, Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation, Cushman&Wakefield, World Skills Museum, etc. all want to win a place in the development of Yangpu Binjiang.In the current Yangpu, a "super enterprise cluster" is being incubated. In the future, Yangpu Binjiang will be driven by digital economy, headquarters economy, and service economy as its core driving force, becoming a carrier of major strategies and important missions, a nuclear explosion point driven by innovation for high-quality development, and a new model of world-class waterfront shorelines. (The above content comes from the official WeChat official account of Shanghai Yangpu)Source of on-site real-life images: Yangpu, ShanghaiHow fast is the speed here?Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Shipping and Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] It should be noted that in the 2022 GDP data of 16 districts in Shanghai, Yangpu can be described as a stunning comeback: GDP growth rate of 6.44%, leaping to become the first in the city in 2022! (The above content is sourced from the Yangpu District Bureau of Statistics)Realistic map of Yangpu Riverside under constructionShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Haiheji Sales Office Tel: 400-886-2334 [Appointment hotline] Now, a number of online new economic leading enterprises such as Meituan, Bilibili, ByteDance have settled here and are under construction in full swing. In the future, not only will the urban interface undergo a significant improvement, but the introduction of high planning starting points and heavy industries will inevitably attract more high-precision and cutting-edge industry talents to actively enter and settle down, making Yangpu's future liquidity and vitality more explosive!Yangpu Riverside Realistic MapHow mellow is life here?Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline]In terms of rail transit, within a 1-kilometer radius of the project, there are five opened rail transit lines, namely Line 4, 8, 10, 12, and 18. There is no need to transfer to Ruihong New City, Sichuan North Road Business District, North Bund, and other places.Location diagramShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Telephone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] (The above image has been simplified and not proportional, all information in the image is for reference only)In terms of self driving, the area where the project is located has one bridge and four tunnels, making it very convenient to go to Lujiazui; The eastern section of the North Cross Passage is currently under construction, and it will be convenient to travel to Jing'an, Changning, and Dahongqiao in the future.Location diagramShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Telephone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] (The above image has been simplified and not proportional, all information in the image is for reference only)In terms of commerce, about 500 meters north of the project is the Kongjiang Road commercial district, which has mature businesses such as Kongjiang Xuhui Mall and Zijing Square. About 700 meters to the west is the Chuangyi SPACE Sea in Shanghai.Realistic viewShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Office Telephone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] The project is about 1.5 kilometers west of Ruihong New City. Here, there are approximately 550000 square meters of Ruihong Tiandi commercial district such as Sun Palace and Moon Bay, as well as urban green lungs such as Peace Park.Realistic viewShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] In terms of medical care, there is a tertiary hospital - Xinhua Hospital - located about 400 meters east of the project, providing protection for the health of residents.Realistic view02The supply of housing in the inner ring is becoming increasingly scarceThere are very few opportunities to move in at the tens of millions levelShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline]In Shanghai, the city center represents the core direction of development. The inner ring only accounts for about 1.8% of the total area of Shanghai. According to the Shanghai Statistical Yearbook, its urban resources are about ten times the average level of the city. Therefore, living in the inner ring is a dream for many property buyers.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline]On the other hand, residential land within the inner ring is becoming increasingly scarce. From the perspective of the new housing market, in the past three years, the total supply of new housing in the inner ring has only accounted for about 6% of the city.In the latest batch - the ninth batch of new housing supply list, there is only one project in the inner ring, which is Zhonghai · Haiwai and Ji.Schematic diagramLooking to the future, opportunities are becoming increasingly scarce in the open land auction market.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline]Last year, only 7 homesteads were publicly sold in the Inner Ring Road, accounting for less than 6.6% of the total.This year's land auction has dropped two rounds and the third round of land to be auctioned has been announced. Among the 61 known land parcels, only 3 are inner ring land, accounting for less than 5%, which is lower than last year.A headache for more property buyers who want to buy an inner car ring is that the chances of buying an inner car ring for tens of millions are decreasing.According to calculations, with a budget of around 10 million to 15 million yuan this year, only ZTE City may increase its investment in the Inner Ring, except for CNOOC, Haiwai, and Jicheng. In the future, new projects worth millions of yuan in the Inner Ring may face a wave of supply disruptions.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline]In addition to the already scarce supply of public land auctions, a large part of the future supply of the Inner Ring Road comes from old and renovated land plots, with products mainly consisting of super high-rise luxury homes and stylish villas. The linkage price of real estate and land is also rising rapidly. Yangpu and Jing'an can both see 210000 yuan per square meter, and Huangpu can even see 250000 yuan per square meter, with a total price of 2000 yuan or even more, which makes many families hesitant. (The above data is sourced from the public selection documents of the implementation entities of the historical landscape protection project on the official websites of Yangpu District, Jing'an District, and Huangpu District.)Therefore, choosing Zhonghai, Haiwai, and Ji at present is an extremely rare opportunity to seize the inner ring market!03A comprehensive community brings ultra-high quality to meet your various future life imaginationsIn addition to the heavyweight and rarity of the inner ring, the main reason for the differentiation of other new developments in Zhonghai, Haiwai, and Jihe markets is also due to product strength, as well as the craftsmanship and quality accumulated through careful consideration from the customer's perspective.RenderingsShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] A comprehensive community with a total construction area of 170000 square meters, this is a "miniature city" that integrates six high-rise residential buildings, a southeast corner commercial building, nine standalone corporate mansions on the north side, as well as "Easter egg functional areas" such as neighborhood centers and nursing centers, creating a collision of multiple living scenes.The residential area adopts the development concept of "weaving". The project is not about building the exterior walls high, but actively giving way to the red line, allowing the external streets to extend into the community. This can not only eliminate land barriers, but also return more space to the streets and pedestrians.Effect diagramShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] We are committed to showcasing our future life scenarios in advance. On the first floor of the sales office, there is a community first mover shop where you can have a cup of coffee or wine and enjoy the familiar "C in the morning and A in the evening" lifestyle. (Click to view more real-life images)The insistence on craftsmanship, attention to detail, and courtesy in "Sunshine Equity" is very square in the plot of Zhonghai · Haihai Heji, which is very rare in today's urban area where there are many old and renovated small plots.RenderingsThe project aims to increase the distance between buildings within a limited space, with a maximum north-south distance of about 50 meters for residential buildings. There is a large garden in the center, allowing each household to enjoy more sunlight.Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] The community also has understory spaces, all age elevated floors, and residential gardens. Just a few steps away, there are social spaces with different atmospheres, and everyone is full of human touch.RenderingsIn addition, Zhonghai Property has been selected for the project. With more than 30 years of accumulation and service experience in high-end residential properties across the country, it has become a model for property management and can always protect the privacy and safety of residents.RenderingsShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Offshore and Collection Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] High quality delivery of pre-sale properties. It should be noted that the first phase of the project is hot selling, and the second phase is sold out quickly in 2 hours. This is not only because of the excellent external landscape design, but also because the internal space is effortless and innovative.The closing source of the project is a three bedroom apartment with a construction area of approximately 99 square meters. The layout design and decoration fully consider the living needs, bringing a living space that combines functionality and comfort.Let's take a look at its layout. The three bedroom layout faces south, the dining room is connected to the balcony to expand the social space, and all rooms come with bay windows. The master bedroom suite design ensures the functionality and comfort of the layout!Shanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Building Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] What's special is that its kitchen has an open design, fully considering the comfort of living and the uniqueness of the future second-hand market. The sink is located facing the living room, which can introduce more light and enhance interaction! If dining at home, the sink side can also be used as a "small island platform". If it cannot be placed on the dining table, it can be placed on the island platform without running in and out.Realistic view of model roomShanghai Yangpu Zhonghai Marine and Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Appointment Hotline] In addition, the two south facing bedrooms have equal width, balancing comfort and scale, allowing both children and the elderly to have their own advantages.Realistic view of model roomThe real-life images of sample rooms in other spaces are as followsIn the era of new house restrictions, many projects have lowered standards and reduced configurations. Zhonghai · Haiwai Heji not only selects high-end brands, but also thoughtfully considers many "devil" details for life, allowing you to "move in" after configuring soft furnishings, which is truly rare!In terms of the three major items, the whole house is equipped with Toshiba air conditioning and underfloor heating, as well as Braun's fresh air, making high-quality living start from daily life; Almost all the wallpapers in the house were delivered, and this quality is enough to explain everything